Thursday, December 4, 2014

The new word of light

Last Tuesday, after work, I picked up my daughter from swim team, and we drove home.  My wife was seeing clients that evening, so I made us all dinner.  Meg arrived and we ate, and while she was cleaning up the kitchen, I took the dog out into the dark for a walk.  We went to our favorite place, a large, undeveloped field behind Casa Grande High School.  I had the bill of my baseball cap pulled down low, and I guess I’d been walking with my eyes on the ground, thinking about all I had to get done before the Thanksgiving holiday, and maybe there were some low clouds or haze on the horizon—I’m not really sure. 
But, for whatever reason, without even really thinking about it I had gained the impression that I was trudging along under an overcast sky.  Because when the dog and I came out into the open field I happened to glance up and was surprised—no, I was actually startled, to see stars.  There were Auriga and Taurus and the Pleiades, and Orion just rising in the southern sky.  I’d been out walking for ten minutes when I looked up for the first time, and when I did it was as if the lid was lifted off of my mind, and I was pulled up out of myself into a larger, more brilliant and beautiful world.
The scriptures and hymns of Advent tell us that something like this is going to happen, to all of us, on a cosmic scale.  It is a somber message, in a way, because it says that our present state, the conventional viewpoint and collective assumptions that we take for granted and that color everything we know and do, are astray in a shadowland of ignorance.  But is also an image of hope—the hope that, as if out of nowhere, God will come, bringing a new light to reveal a new world. 
The idea that God is coming is a bit frightening.  Because whatever it would be like to meet God, it isn’t a possibility we have taken all that seriously.  Now by “taking seriously” I don’t necessarily mean being stiff and pious and uptight.  Not if you take Jesus as a guide to what it means to be centered in God.  It might actually involve being a lot less anxious and driven and a lot more open to just hanging out with all different kinds of people, sharing a table and conversation about the things that matter most.  After all, in the Gospel stories the enemies of Jesus are the ones who think he doesn’t take God seriously enough.  And, as he demonstrates, they are really just taking themselves more seriously than they should.
Nevertheless, Jesus was in the line of the Hebrew prophets who spoke on behalf of God to make certain demands.  There were ethical demands for a high standard of generosity and truthfulness, of compassion, and justice.  And there were what you might call devotional demands, because God loves her people passionately and cares for them tenderly, said the prophets, and desires their love in return.  So the prospect of God’s coming in power and majesty has to make us stop for a minute and ask ourselves how wholeheartedly we have responded to those demands.  And I venture to say many of you would probably have to join me in saying, “not very.”
But this isn’t merely a symptom of our secular, materialistic age.  Isaiah says to God about the Israelites in his day,
                      “We all fade like a leaf,
and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.
There is no one who calls on your name,
or attempts to take hold of you;”

Isaiah knows that the presence of God brings with it the painful recognition of how tenuous our faith really is, of how easily we can be blown off our deepest intuitions and noblest intentions.  But for all that, Isaiah hopes with all his heart that God will come, because the presence of God, even in awesome judgment, is a thousand times better than an endless absence that would leave us forever as we are.  Because it is God alone who has the power to inspire new faith and commitment in his people; it is God alone, the potter who formed us from the clay, who can reshape us into something new.

And from one perspective the New Testament says pretty much the same thing.  It is full of a heightened sense of hope and expectation of the decisive coming of God.  This will be a trial for which only the grace of God can prepare and strengthen us, but it will also be a day of deliverance.   It will be fearful and awesome, but only because God will be personally present, forgotten and forsaken no more.  The New Testament gives the same summons that prophets like Isaiah gave, to be ready for an overwhelming, transforming encounter, and you could say it doesn’t really change the basic message to say that the redeemer we are expecting is Jesus Christ. 

But in another sense it is completely different, because this Jesus has already come.  In his brief ministry to Israel the Gospel writers perceived the decisive intervention of God in history, which shook the powers of the present darkness and filled the world with the new word of light.  And yet even as Jesus proved their faith and joy in the fulfillment of God’s promises, they had to account for the deadly opposition of the leaders of their own nation.  They could not help but notice how their good news left many people cold.  They saw how the world ground on, with the same dogged resistance to its own healing.

For a century or more New Testament scholars have been having an argument about what the first Christians thought about the future, about where it was all going, and how long it all would take.  As near as I can make it out, it has been such a struggle to interpret because the authors of these texts were also struggling.  They were wrestling with words and with the Spirit, searching for a way to describe their unprecedented relationship to time.  Because how do you speak about living at the intersection of thanksgiving and expectation, of remembrance and hope?

Today’s lesson from the Gospel of Mark stitches together different traditions that seem to say different things about what to expect.  You might read it as describing an apocalyptic event, something cosmic and glorious and final.    But then again, it might be silent and subtle as the yearly swelling buds of a fig tree softening toward summer.  And the passage closes with the repeated theme, as insistent as a drumbeat or a ticking clock—stay awake, keep alert, be vigilant, be watchful, keep awake--as if there’s a danger that the climax of history will arrive and you’ll sleep through it, never knowing that it came.

As I searched in my own experience for an analogy, to put into my own words this paradoxical existence in time, the best I could come up with was childhood.  A child has already arrived in the world.  Its very being is the fruition of a miraculous and improbable journey.  She already is completely who she is, utterly singular and unprecedented.  A child lives in an immediate present, in a “now” that is only dimly aware of the enormity of the past, and the onrushing future.  And yet a child is also a promise of the adult, of the fully mature person he will become.  He is the hope that the world can still be something new.

And as I thought about this, it struck me that each of our scriptures today contains an emphatic statement about the Fatherhood of God.   They could as easily say “mother” because the emphasis is on parenthood, not gender.  And our great model, our redeemer, is a Son, into whose brother- and sisterhood God has called us.  The great “waking up” that Jesus makes possible is a life in which taking God seriously is a kind of play.  It is a life completely immersed in the moment, in all the suffering and wonder, hard lessons and joyful discoveries of childhood.  At the same time it is trusting that someone older and wiser, who loves us, is taking care of the big picture.  And it means knowing, with a sense of awe and mystery, that we are growing up into God.   

After all, isn’t that what we’re expecting, on this first Sunday of Advent—the birth of a child?

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About Me

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Petaluma, California, United States
I am a priest in the Episcopal Church, and have been (among other things) an organic farmer and gardener, and a Zen monk. I have a lifelong interest in social and spiritual renewal on the basis of contemplative discipline, creative nonviolence, and ecological practice. In recent years my work has focused intensely on the responsibility of pastoral ministry in the humanistic, evangelical, and catholic branch of Christianity known as Anglicanism. I'm married with a daughter, and have three brothers and two parents.